I appreciate you reading about me. I believe that we all come from the place of wanting to be loved for the unique individuals that we are. As a child the abuse I suffered seemed normal as I had nothing to gauge it on, if I didn’t trust my parents to know what was best for me, I perceived that I would die. So to know the truth “Of ME,” the true me, has been a struggle… but the good news is I am getting there! Even as now a senior will never throw in towel on myself, there is so much more to me and it might take more than a lifetime to discover it. I am so thankful for the discovery of these modalities that assist us all in remembering who we truly are.
How different my childhood would have been if my parents had had the support of this knowledge. Life is a journey and I am glad to share what I have learned with you…our biggest teacher is experience, and I am grateful for it all.
With Love and Gratitude,